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hairy toes

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bluevern | 22:10 Mon 16th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
somtimes my toes get hairy and they look like odd bods feet,,sometimes when im resting my feet in the rug ,,i cant tell the difference!!!!


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oh dear, have you been to your GP?
Don't look at your feet or keep them covered.
I hope you are male , if not .....
Hairy toes are a sign of good circulation to your feet - a good thing as this should save your toes dropping off in the future - added bonus of keeping you toes nice and cosy!
Frankly I'd rather have my toes drop off than have them being hairy......

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but when i have a bath it looks like a tak slept in the bath
Question Author
sorry yak
what is a tak? and is it hairy too?
Ever heard of a razor?
You sure it`s not Toejam?
you made that up elvis
No, everyone gets it
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ill imac the *******

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hairy toes

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