Anyone any suggestions for a heavy duty seasick tablet, please? Tried most of the over the counter ones, but is there anything I could get on prescription that might work better, do you know?
I was very travel sick when I was younger and always used Dramamine this worked really well. I used it recently on a boat trip, and I was fine whilst everyone else was throwing up.
After using Dramamine for many years, my parents tried to ween me off it, and we tried ginger tablets. Don't think that these were particularly successful.
Thank you for the suggestions, when I tried Dramamine, I slept for 12 out of 24 hours!! I was hoping for a new drug that didn't cause drowsiness, but made your feel less sick!!!!
I've suffered from travel sickness forever and have tried all the tablets (kwells, stugeron, boots own) I've tried ginger remedies and the wrist bands but nothing worked. I went to my Doctor and he prescibed SCOPEDERM TT, its a little patch that you stick behind your ear (like a nicotine patch) which you can keep on for up to 3 days and its AMAZING. I am now travelling all over Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific for a year without sick bags! Hope it works for you.