My wife was thin when we married but gas gained 25 kilos in the 5 years since. I don't understand how there can be such a dramatic change. She's South American -can it be cultural?
Hi Dangel, didn't you post this recently? I seem to remember thinking I was going to answer, but other people said what I would have said... which is that it's normal for women to gain weight in their mid-twenties (I gained about 40 pounds then, have lost some since but not all of it), and that it's just a metabolism thing that happens. I doubt there's much cultural significance.
Here are the responses when you asked the question in Body and Soul category earlier: ge=1&SearchText=overweight
I've read your last comment there. If your wife is eating lots of cakes and sweets, then that seems to be the cause of her weight gain - not her cultural background. From what you say, she seems to be happy with her weight. She will only lose weight if she feels that she wants to.
Yes. She certainly is happy and almost always in a good mood. I guess I should be thankful she is fat and jolly rather than thin and cranky.
Slim and happy wouldn't be bad though.
dangel are u getting put of by her weight knowing what she looked like before because a lot of wimen put on weight due to lack of love so your wife is comfort eating .
what i am trying to say is the more she feels she is doing wrong the more she will eat give her a bit of t.l.c
I guess I am put off because of the sexy appearnce she had before. She looked great in a bikini, with nice curves. Now those curves have been replaced with large rolls of fat. I still love her and we are happy but I can't help but compare to the way she looked just a few years ago.
That's rough. When you fall for someone, the physical attraction is obviously a big part of it (more so with men? - I think so), so I think you're right to be concerned. She's basically not the person you lusted after when you met. I think a lot of men and women let themselves go when they're in a long term relationship as they subconsciously think that they don't have to attract the opposite sex anymore. It's a toughie - a gentle hint may be your best move.