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Pregnancy symptom?

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emx384 | 14:21 Wed 18th Jul 2007 | Pregnancy
1 Answers
My period is due any day now - normally I would have really sore boobs for a week or even two before. This month though I havent and am wondering if it could be a sign I am pregnant? I know sore boobs are a sign of pregnancy, can it work the other way though? I have been TTC for 8 months now!


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The one thing I have learned during my pregnancy is that no 2 pregnancies are the same. I symptom of sore boobs in one person can mean nothing in someone else, and vice versa. The other thing learned after 2 1/2 yrs of trying to conceive is that it will sneak up on you when you least expect it. So, if you thought you had missed your fertile period this month, only had a quicky in front of the telly on a Sunday night then had a shower straight away without doing bicycle legs or any other strange rituals, then that is when you will have caught.

Seriously though, I do advise that if this time you are not lucky, then try not to analyze every boob pain or other symptom whilst trying to conceive as you will just get yourself worked up. Just enjoy the nooky and it will happen eventually. When it does you will have so many more things to get worked up about you will need to have energy conserves!

Good luck, my fingers are crossed for you.


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