The term 'two" is a concept that integrates a pair of entities into a single unit of thought. Well defined concepts, (and further conceptualisation of simpler more basic concepts) where each primary unit is understood, allow us to integrate vast quantities of related information into more and more complex units. Once properly compiled, concepts allow us to think about and communicate complex ideas through the terms (words) used to represent and express these ideas.
according to Plato it is the earthly reflection of the divine and immutable twoness of twosomeness that is, and will always be, archetyaplly Two. of course this line of argument is open to the critisism that logically there is an infinite regression - always having to rely on a greater authority of twoishness to explain the existence of the lesser two. according to the buddhists - two is merely an illusion, and according to my friend - two is the number of times he WON'T ask me to shut up before giving me a slap.