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Opening new pages.

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Wraith | 20:51 Sun 19th Sep 2004 | Technology
2 Answers
For the last week now whenever I open a link to another site, or page, all I get is the title bar of the new page. The title bar has the minimise, maximise and close buttons. Clicking on the maximise button opens the full page. When I used to click on a link it would open the full page. Why has it changed and how can I stop it?

I've checked for viruses, cleared all adware and spyware and been through the settings in my internet tools. HELP!


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Sounds like a pop-up has reconfigured your default window settings. Instead of pressing the maximise button, try dragging the four corner of the window until it fills the screen properly. *Then* click maximise. Then close Internet Explorer. When you open it again, your settings should be correct.
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Thanks Mosgeo that worked perfectly. I tried everything else and forgot about dragging the corners. Cheers.

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