If the government seriously wanted a 'cafe' society, they should have invested in subsidising people who build cafes!
The whole 'cafe society' argument is a total joke, based on cultural distances a mile wide which the government wilfully refuses to see. It's like this -
European people are family oriented. The like their children, and buold their socail lives around them, which includes introducing them to the notion of a glass of wine with a meal, and eating out late in the evening, which their weather permits. there is no mystery in alcohol for Europeans, who enjoy the company of their parents' generation, and are relaxed and friendly.
British families have children, but don't like them, and socialise in spite of them. Draconian licensing laws have meant that alcohol has built up a 'naughty ' grown-up' mystique. Young people don't like to have a drink, they drink to be drunk - an entire culture and indeed vocalbulary is built around the perceived wisdom of obtaining as much alcohol poisoning as quickly as possible.
The notion that oepning pubs later will make us adopt the European lifestyle is as laughable as it is futile - and the rsults are there for everyone to see.
Binge drinking is about a culture of social activity that sees alcohol abuse as a measure of having a good time - something which our European neighbours simply cannot fathom.
The government needs to edcuate people away from the idea of drinking to excess as a measure of social enjoyment, but this will take time, money, and resoures - which the government will not and never have placed in the right end of eduction - the primary sector.
As long as nursery care is seen as some sort of surrogate babysitting service staffed by minimum wage teenagers who don' have a particular career option in mind, but this will do - then our problems will continue to fester and escalate?