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best savings account

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clemantine | 18:24 Mon 16th Jul 2007 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
can u tell me the best high intrest savings account have a lump sum of 30000 and want to save about 200 a month don,t mind it being tied up for about 5 years thankyou


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I work for NFU Mutual and they are running a great offer with their investments at the moment. Try going to their website and have a look.
Try They give good advice on all sorts of money matters.
i'd put some of the thirty into a cash isa to avoid tax on the interest however you can only put in up to a certain amount every year and i can't remember how much even though i have opened a load of them ( long time ago) when i worked in the bank. their is no risk with this. speak to your bank's financial planner -should be a foc service

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