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Too many kittens

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babybombo | 18:54 Wed 25th Jul 2007 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
Hi abers, Iam quite concerned about a female cat which lives near my sister's house.
This cat is only around 2 or 3 years old but so far she has had seven litters of kittens.
She was extremely young when she had her first litter, and once she had the kittens it was only a few weeks before she was pregnant again.
It seems like she is pregnant or recovering from pregnancy non-stop.
We have suggested to her owner about getting her spayed but she always says she's looking into it.
Iam worried about this poor little cat, but I'm wondering is there anything I can do about it ?? Is this a form of abuse I could report or should I just turn a blind eye ?


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I don't know what to advise you to do. Poor little thing. Have you tried talking to your local cat protection league to see if they can help. I know that around here sometimes they contact the owners and offer to help pay for the operation or at least offer to pay for half. I cannot think of anything else at the moment to help you.
I too suggest the cats protection league, they certainly helped me with ferral cats that moved into my barn. They lent me a cage trap, they collected them as I caught them, the adults were nutered, wormed, checked against fleas and returned to me, the kittens were kept to be rehomed, all at no cost to me. Now have a male and female that cannot have any more kittens, and they are more contented with life, no more fights, and all for a few cats biscuits in the evening.
Regards Jan
I would be tempted to kidnap/catnap her and have her done. But then you would have to pay for it!

Apart from the fact that the cat is having no quality of life there are hundreds of extra kittens running around needing homes.

This is extremely cruel of the owners.

The Cats protection people are brilliant.
in my book on cat health, it says that it is actually detrimental to the health of a cat to have more than 5 litters. I would report this to either the RSPCA or the Cats Protection League, as this could be seen as tantamount to neglect / abuse.
Whats happening to all the kittens too - are they homing those or just letting them run wild?
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Hi thanks to everyone for your answers.
I think I will contact the cats protection leauge as they have a centre about 10 minutes from my house, I didn't know that they would be able to help with this sort of thing so thanks again.

Now that I know it's definitely harming her I have to take action, I feel so sorry for the poor girl.

The kittens are being rehomed fortunetly, but from the cats last litter the owners kept a female.

She is now aloud outside and my fear is that she might end up in the same situation.
I think it is great what you are doing for this poor little cat. People like these owners should not have animals. It is obvious they have no interest in the animal what so ever. No wonder the country is over run with cats that are looking for good, repsonsible owners. I once had twelve cats that I took in off the street because people could not be bothered to look after them. Well done.
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Wow quizbabe 12 cats!

Thanks, I just can't stand to see her treated so badly. She was a lovely friendly cat when she first arrived but now she is so uninterested in humans, she hardly ever comes over when we try to talk to her now.

I have great admiration for you, taking in all those cats.
My cats were lovely. They took up a lot of time but they all responded well to my dog, who I got from the RSPCA, and they were all quiet and non-responsive when they first arrived but my old lady cat and the dog helped to bring them around. I have only one left now and he is 13 years old. He is helping to train my dog who is only two and again from an animal shelter.

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Too many kittens

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