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Tape with red dice on the cover

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Boo_x | 21:23 Sun 29th Jul 2007 | Music
5 Answers
When i was younger my mum used to have a tape in the car and it was silvery background with a red dice on the front.

I thought it was foreigner but cant see that one and mum reakons it was a mixed tape. Does anyone have any ideas.

I am talking between '85 to '95.



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Ive just danced around the room to you can call me al and always the sun!!

Ive been looking for this for months - youve made my month!!!

Glad to help.

Now where did I store my Hits 5 tape?
I'll need to play it again. Brings back memories.
I've not heard that Red Box song for ages.

Take care.
I've got it still on tape

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Tape with red dice on the cover

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