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hcg levels

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SPIKEYSBABE | 08:13 Sun 29th Jul 2007 | Pregnancy
17 Answers
can anyone help me please? i had my bloods taken at hospital last wednesday & my hcg levels were recorded at 1000 & had to return 48 hrs later for repeat bloods these were recorded at 997 i have got to return again today for more bloods. is a small drop in hcg levels normal or am i having a miscarriage? this is my first pregnancy.


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When i had my miscarraige i had to have my hcg levels taken i cant remember what they were but they had to double every 48hrs. mine was rising but it wasnt enough and i had to be ammitted into hospital and had a d and c to remove the foetus because they cudn't find the heartbeat. i was 9 wks gone.hope everything is ok for you xx
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I am sorry to hear about your misfortune Confused Gal, I have had my bloods taken this morning just waiting for the results, I am sure that it is either a miscarriage or an ectopic. It is driving me crazy waiting, 5pm can't come quick enough for me anyway at least I will be able to come to terms with it, if someone just told me what was happening.
Thank you x
Poor you, I hope all is well. I know it's not much of a consolation but I am a firm believer everything happens for a reason. Look after yourself.
I had the same,my hcg levels were dropping but they soon picked up again,i hope everthing is well and your not worrying too much.
let us know how you get/got on. My fingers are crossed for you.

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I had my bloods done again yesterday & they are still dropping it was 840 yesterday, I have got to have more taken tomorrow. Leewayne how far was you when yours was dropping & how much did it drop? Hope you dont mind me asking its just that I am not getting any answers when I ask them at the hospital. Xx
hospital was the same with me,my hcg levels were around 780 i think i was around 8 weeks old,i couldnt relax,i thought the worst,but it turned out good.Hope it goes ok for you. Demand that you need to know whats going on,its your body and your baby after all
not 8 weeks old,i mean 8 weeks gone sorry!!
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Thank you, I will update you all tomorrow - hopefully I will have some good news!! fingers crossed anyway Xx
Good luck
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Just to let you all know, unfortunately I have had a miscarriage.
so sorry to hear that hun
I am really sorry to hear that.

So sorry for your loss,keep your chin up yeah x
sorry to hear that. chin up! i know exactly how you feel. xx
my heart goes out to you. iwent through that with my first pregnancy. Big kisses and hugs to you xxx
So sorry spikeysbabe, your time will come, it just wasn't meant to be. Look after yourself and look after eachother Mr spike is probably feeling it too.

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