Quiz available from: Jenny Bembridge, 38 Mill Street, Rocester, Staffordshire, ST14 5JX
SAE + �1 (presume cheque to be made out to Clifton Cricket Club - I sent a �1 coin)
Closing Date 18 August 2007
Still need quite a few, but the ones that are puzzling me the most are Nos.8, 47, 50 and 70. There are others I'm unsure about, but if there are some you haven't yet found then I may be able to help.
The one's I'm missing at the moment are No's 4, 10, 25, 40, 46, 47 & 59
8 I.C.I
50 Timberland
70 Laura Ashley
I'll try and help with the others you are not quite sure just to confirm we have the same answers