so the glasgow airport bomber has died from his injuries...does anyone personal point of view is that i couldnt gove a toss, he should have died much earlier and saved us thousands of pounds in nhs money.
I think we should have done everything possable to try to save his life. Not because he deserves life, but because he should have been forced to live a life of humilitation in the prison system.
Now, he is just another maryter in the cause of radical islam. IMO the only real dirrerence is he got to die happily (which shouldn't have happened), and whan he begins serving eternity in hell.
One word, GOOD, if he;d lived, thousands would have been spent on hospital, court, and prison, and even if convicted, the sentence would have been derogatory.
This way, at least he won't attempt to harm anyone else.
Im glad he suffered -only because he was going to die anyway (would rather have had him incarcerated for life)..Congrats to GRI for keeping him alive for so long -and prolonging his agony.
thing is he probably wasnt suffering, he was more than likely kept under sedation because of the extent of his injuries which is a pity because he should have been left to die in the agony he deserved