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shaun of the dead

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netty.m | 21:53 Mon 20th Sep 2004 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Where have I seen the actor who plays shaun and Eds flat mate before??? please help as its been bugging me.


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he was in a sitcom with phil cornwell set in a pub.he was his thick brother but i cant remember the title - sorry !
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thanks for that Mattk. I have just used your info and found out the actor is Peter Serafinowicz, and I recognise him from Hardware( someone had to watch it). Interesting fact Peter was the voice of Darth Maul in Star Wars. Thanks again.
He also played 'Tex' who was Michaels american loving friend in the last series of Alan Partridge.
He was in the channel 4 comedy programme 'Spaced' as well, that ran for 2 series a couple of years ago. It had Shaun from 'Shaun of the Dead' (Simon Pegg) in it as well playing a character called Tim who lived with Daisy (who was the leader of the other group of non-zombies in 'Shaun of the Dead') and Peter Serafinowicz played Duane Benzie, the bloke who stole Tim's ex girlfriend from him and got paintballed in the crotch in revenge. The sitcom that MattK mentioned was 'World of Pub' and he's had small parts (not a joke!) in 'Smack the Pony', 'Hippies' and 'Black Books'. Too much information? Quite possibly.
He was also in Look Around You...
and an episode of Black Books I think, playing a date of Fran's (Tamsin Grieg who is also in Shaun OTD)...oh the incestuous world on Channel 4 comedy...
In Black Books didn't he play the bloke who red the shipping forecast who fran used to "pleasure herself" to whilst listening to him?

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