My partner originally worked for natwest for 22 years. He left and went to another bank, as he was not happy with his job there. Last year he was offered to go back to Natwest, after 5 years. He was a Business Manager. My partner found it worse than ever. The reasons he left for originally had all come back to haunt him. He was told there was no pressure for targets/goals etc, and that it had all changed!along with so many other things that would take all night to mention.
He was appauled at the way customers were treated. Everything he was told at his interview were down right lies! The whole job was purely just down to targets all the time. Natwest didn't care if the job wasn't done correctly, as long as the figures were correct and above the year befores! My partner found it awlful and handed his notice in. He is now self employed, and is so pleased that he got out of their as aoon as he could. The pressure, stress that was on his shoulders I cannot explain. he is like a different person now!!
Not saying all Natwest branches are the same, but have heard other people saying exactly the same!! best of luck...think you may need it!!