I thought it VERY funny when they did the sweat task that Ziggy put socks down the front of his pants "to take the p*ss". AS IF!! It is a well-known fact that Ziggy has er, small manhood. All he has done is confirm this to the world by being too self-conscious about it to let himself be seen in tight work-out gear! How VAIN is that?!
How is it a "well known fact"? Because Charley said so??? I wouldn't believe anything that came out of that silly cow's mouth!
She said in Heat magazine that she still expected to have a drink with him when he comes out of the house. Somehow I think he's unlikely to want to do that once he sees what she's been saying about him!
Im starting to see repressed gay tendencies. He said so many little things to Gerry, and he asked to see Bri n Gerrys bits. Keep watching closley youll see
Damn right Scarlett I have read some hilarious kiss n tells on how small he is and I think hes a manipulater. Ok Chanelle was annoting but she was a naive 19 yr old whose head got messed up by him. One minute he dont want her the next hes in bed with her. He is a player. Girls dont be fooled by him he is manipulating everyone.