Hi, I am having to move out of my rented place and at the moment have no where to go. I have a 5 year old Persian and no one will temp look after him. I can temp move back in with my parents but they wont take the cat as they have 2 already and they fight with my own. Giving him away is not an option, hes my baby. Lol. Does anyone know of a place to temp house him until I get myself settled more? Can't rent anywhere else at the mo until the money situation is sorted. Catteries cost about �60 a week so thats a no no. Is there a place that will look after him for a while? Many thanks for any help.
I don't know whether it is an option but have you tried Cat's Protection to see if they know of anyone who could "foster" your cat for a while? Your vet might also know of something. I imagine you would have to pay - at least for feeding costs etc. - but it might be worth a try.
There's an organisation called The Cinnamon Trust, they look after peoples animals if they have to go into hospital etc. give them a try they might be able to help you. Gelda.