Sounds ideal, wheres the rule book to say the guy has to ask the girl? If a girl was to ask me out, straight away I would take it as a huge complement because shes noticed me! If you like really like a fella but you dont ask him out because its "not the done thing" you could miss out big time, maybe he really like you but is just a shy. And your only going to be asking yourself "what If?"
Only leave it all to the guy to do if you were born in the 40's! Theres no reason at all way it should be left for the guy to do. I think if a girl will insist that she has to be asked out then then she's a bit shallow and craves the attention or very old fashioned......probably best avoided in either case!
We live in an age of equality of just about everything so, as a hetrosexual male, I did not have a problem with a female asking me out, in fact on the few occasions when it happened, I was very flattered