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Taken aback?????

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taliesin238 | 00:28 Sun 29th Jul 2007 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
What does the saying taken aback mean?? Does it mean you were insulted or really nicely surprised??? I really need to know!!
Many thanks


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It can mean either really.
it just means shocked by whats happened
taken aback - surprised and disconcerted: "I was taken aback by his harsh criticism".

[Origin: bef. 1000; ME abak, OE on b�c to the rear. +aback&r=66

I was taken aback�I was greatly astonished�taken by surprise�startled. It is a sea term. A ship is �taken aback� when the sails are suddenly carried by the wind back against the mast, instantly staying the ship�s progress�very dangerous in a strong gale.

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Taken aback?????

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