Hi My wife is 7+5 into her pregnancy, she had a hospital appointment today and they found an ovarian cyst on her right side, it is 9 cms big and im wondering if my wife has anything to worry about or if there are people ut there who have been in the same situation. This will be her 4th pregnancy, including one miscarraige. our youngest baby daughter has jst turned 2 and i'm wondering if it developed from that, they is no medical background of women in her family to of had this problem as se was told by the doctor to ask, if someone can help put our minds at rest or advise us where to go, that would be helpful
Ovarian cysts are typically a natural occurance that vary in size. Some people may experience severe pain, whereas other people can have them and never know anything about them.
Usually they tend to resolve themselves, and surgical intervention is uncommon.
The aeitiology of cysts as not accurately known, although there are many theories and hypothesis.
Essentially, it is probably nothing to worry about.
Hi Paul , most of all ovarian cysts need no surgical intervention and will resolve themselves . Also most are benign and of no cause for concern.
As for myself , I was found to have one during pregnancy , it caused no problems and resolved itself quickly .
All the best to you and your wife and congratulations are in order. :-)
Blimey! Just realised that I gave my answer in medical jargon, rather than plain English. Thankfully, others said the same thing - in a more understandable way.
I guess that's what working nights does to you...
Sorry mate, hope everything goes ok, and yes 9cm is fine.