Of all these bloody questions about periods,clap.pee infections,crabs.smelly fish,infestations,warts, boils,puss.how to cook rhubarb etc etc etc i could go on and on but have to go now as its time for my hourly douche bag change
sick and tired of answering questions about these rubbish questions about these rubbish questions , are some questions rubbish ? yes are we obliged to answer every question ? no, unless it is posted by fine, thanks, failure to answer and you are in the dundgeon, : )
kp get a life people use this site for help and advice it's obvious to me that you have nothing better to do than moan about people who are in need of our support or knowledge!!!!!!
nop just don't appreciate you mocking those in need of our help especially if it's of a personal nature this maybe they only place they can come for answers