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white legs

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tamirra | 09:34 Mon 06th Aug 2007 | Beauty
5 Answers
Hi can any one recommend a good suntan lotion/oil that would help me tan my legs, they never ever go brown they might burn then peel, but i wont them brown as i think skirts then look nice with brown legs and not white. thanks


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If your skin is burning then peeling, this is because they are getting too much sun in too short a time.

Use a suncream with a good spf each time you go out in the sun, and your tan will build up slowly and will not damage the skin and peel.

I like the cheap stuff like boots soltan but other people have recommended Piz Buin to me. Start off with a high factor and lower it gradually over your holiday/sun exposure period
I am paper white pale, I find in between a bit of the daily tanning moisturisers take that pasty hue away.
I think you may just have to accept the sun wont make your legs go brown. My father and sister have this problem where as with me that is the bit that goes the brownest(they get really brown arms, face etc but really white/grey legs). As previously mentioned if you are peeling your legs are getting too much sun. I would def recommend piz buin sun tan lotion - also prepare your skin before going on holiday by exfoliating and moisturising regularly. In order to get a tan - I would suggest fake!! perhaps one of the 'holiday skin' creams - dove, johnsons etc
Try a natural build a tan cream, i use superdrug one and its not like the fake tanning ones that go all streaky on your skin, it gradually builds tan and i mainly use on my legs as liek you they take ages to go brown, but make sure you wash your hands throughly after as the cream and stains the palms of your hands.
Get maybelline long lasting self tanner .Its called solar energy,I ger mine on ebay about �5.00 ) A tube lasts all summer you put it on and it stays on for a few days just top up when needed.I dont know if any shops sell it in this country.Good luck

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