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Any computer whizzes out there?

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helster | 09:45 Fri 17th Aug 2007 | Technology
8 Answers
If you worked in a school/college and a page was blocked (facebook), is there a way that you could get to the page anyway?? I'm soooo bored. Thanks x


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Yes, but you would be caught and discliplined.

Their pc, their time you are being paid for, theri rules.
Try going through
Personally I would setup an SSH tunnel on port 80 to my home PC and use that as a proxy.
How do I get the africa megaflyover plugin, I can find loads of stuff all about it but no download?
way to change the subject.

If you look in the layers panel on the left, under "Featured Content", you'll find "National Geographic Magazine". Check this layer, and you see some red airplane icons over Africa, zoom in on those and you'll see the megaflyover images.
We found YouTube blocked but leaving out the www. in the address seemed to allow it!
I do work in a school, and while I dare say I could get around any site bans I have far too much work to do. If you are that bored, why not see if any of your colleagues need help?
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Thanks for the great career advice LeMarchand....I'll definitely bear that in mind. I bet you're great at parties...

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Any computer whizzes out there?

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