My son was arressted and told he hit his ex- grl friend and harressed her by mobile phone. he is due to go in o the police station this week - to be charges. he is a first time offender, clean record. works for the government and is well respected in this community. what wil be the outcome??
The outcome will depend on whether he did it or not, and how he pleads. The posts above offer good advice.
You do not say whether he admits to commiting any of the charges. You say he was told. Surely, if he did hit her, he doesn't need to be told he did so. And presumably there will be mobile phone records.
He was arrested and told by the police he had no idea. he did not hit her but has admitted to calling her many many times and she has also burned his arm with a ciggy all this happend in short weeks of there breakup.
if he didn't hit her he should plead not guilty; see a lawyer. I have no idea how many phone calls constitute harassment, but it would be worth pleading not guilty to that too