Surprisingly, Snail slime has been found to be good for the skin, you can buy it in its own vases, and its big business in South America and some countries in Europe. Anyone wnt to give it a try, and post back with the results?.
No thank you very much Lonnie
While I was gardening last night, a slimy slug landed on my hands. God, it was horrible. I dumped it on the garden waste bin. Urgggh!
The little bu88ers are surprisingly hard to catch. I have had to lay a trap. I have painted a conker and layed it on a chip and have drawn a trail of Vick to it. If a snail does arrive, a tupperware bowl will drop and capture it.
I saw something about that on a programme a couple of weeks ago. It was noted that workers in snail farms,had very soft skin on their hands due to the amount of slime they were in contact with. Yuk !!
Think I'll stick to Aloe Vera which has the same consistency. They say today on TV that more and more snails are going to be around once they start chumping in the Autumn, great!