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Quentin | 00:22 Mon 27th Aug 2007 | Science
7 Answers
Why does stephen hawkings weelchair move so swiftly!!!! he could hit a 3 inch bump inthe carpet but no nothing. does he have the worlds best shock absorbers on that thing. i tried once to hit him with a barrel full of oil but he just said (HA HA YOUR PRIMATIVE WAYS OF KNOCKOUT ARE FAR MORE INFERIOR TO MY SUPER CHAIR! DO YOU KNOW THIS IS A BMW!!! HA HA)


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Texas Instruments ...
Quentin is it clever to mock people with disabilities? That is a sick way to get a cheap laugh. grow up
dot, I think this is a case of takes one to know one
Dont worry Dot, I dont think anyone will bother laughing at that, I know I certainly didnt.
what do you mean jno, I don't get you, do you mean me????
I think they have a deep rooted need to try and shock see family section , nice.
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