My ex partner and I are selling our house. We have a 2 yr old son who will be living with me after the sale goes through. Am I entitled to more of the profits because I have our son to provide for and put a roof over his head?
Legally, yes, you can claim up to 2 thirds of the profits, also a share of any pensions etc your ex may have. However, if it is an amicable seperation & he pays upkeep for your son I would go 50/50, as to be fair, he does have to start his life again also & like you, has invested 50/50 into any assets you now both have
Not sure if Gina32 is meant for me or not - but I also have a child & went through a divorce 3yrs ago with a joint mortgage. My ex & I have joint custody & my solicitor told me everything I was entitled to. I settled for 50/50 of the house & endowments only & let him keep his pension & personal savings.
meg it was meant for you, when i got divorced it didnt work like that for me i onlk got a percentage nothing like 50/50 and i had a 5 year old as well, no pensions nothing, i think i was done!!