I dont get that, just Spink in the morning biting my fingers, sitting on my chest and pawing and biting my eye lashes as im waking up!
Think yourself lucky!!
Yes I agree with lonnie - Cats rub themselves and lie on you as their way of saying they own you. I think its cute, glad my retriever dog doesn't do it - he's a fat git!
my cat likes to climb on my side just as I'm dozing off so I have to wake up and stroke him. when he's had enough he lies down on my arm with his bum in my face (incase there may be any unexpected prezzies for me). when my arm is completely dead he then moves onto my feet and lies on them till he finds the resulting pool of sweat too uncomfortable. he finally settles down in the middle of the bed - lenghtways of course - so mr goose and I have about 6 inches of bed each. he snoozes happily away til 6am at the latest then sits on my head and licks my eyelids till I have to get up. I had far more sleep when my kids were babies!
I have to sleep with 3 of my little darlings! One, under the duvet with me, one at my feet and one on top of the covers, on my left hand side. It's a double bed & I've got about 4 inches of it!!