Does anyone else have this problem. My daughter started her periods 2 months ago.She is tiny,wears age 9/10 pants .So,the problem is all the towels are to big.Anyone know where they sell smaller ones?
do you mean big as in width ways or long ways? I believe you can buy mini ones as I have seen them in tesco, also ultra thin. There is a sanitary towel maker beginning with K sorry cant remember the name but they have a white packet and a red poppy on the side, They do mini and midi. Just means standing staring at the shelves for a while before you spot them.
As horrific as it may seem to her, but tampons are the best and all she would need are panty liners. you can get easy to insert ones with an applicator!
I know she is young, but it is cleaner and wont feel so mucky!
If that doesn't suit, you can get all sorts of pads that suit different flow! bodyform have loads! Tesco's my quess!
They are both long and wide.I have suggested tampons but she doesn`t want to try them just yet.I do shop online at Tesco so i will look for the mini ones.Thankyou all for your help.
Goodness - I wouldn't have thought tampons were suitable for a girl so young/small. I only use them for swimming since I knew a woman who got toxic shock syndrome from using tampons. You could always try asking at your local Boots, I'm sure they will have come across this problem before.
Well when I was 11 I used tampons, they were recomended to be by school nurse as I was having thrush all the time, so it's not a horrific thing to use!