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Recent post box is too quick

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crossroads | 15:08 Sun 02nd Sep 2007 | Site Suggestions
11 Answers
I posted a question and the recent post box said as soon as i had posted it that it was 1min old!
What are you going to do?


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Do about what?
Nowt would be my guess- is it really THAT important?
as you're trying to fill all 4 slots, it just means you'll have to be quicker with your many new threads.
Question Author
Its not bothering me its just a point that maybe the editor should look at.
Somtimes when you post a question it is 1min old straight away.
Would you like it accurate to milliseconds ?
Question Author
No, i just thought it was a point of intrest.
I'm not complaining or moaning nor bragging. I'm just pointing it out.
It doesn't bother me, i rarley look at the times on there.
When I replied, it showed 0 minutes so that was correct.
That last one showed 1 minute ago. Ithink a major overhaul of the whole shebang is in order. It REALLy is the thin end of the wedge...
Surely somebody with so much claimed IT knowledge should be able to figure out that when something is posted at 15:08:59 it will be listed as 15:08 and yet 1 second later (and for the next 60 seconds) new posts will be listed as 15:09, with all 15:08 posts being classed 1min ago even if was only a few seconds before the changeover.
exactly kempie, even I knew that and I am to maths what hilda ogden was to the Milan catwalk
Question Author
OK, OK, forget it, i am a chocolate orange when it comes to maths.
Your right i'm wrong.

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