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safest and most virusless peer to peer?

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spaced | 14:55 Tue 29th Aug 2006 | Technology
17 Answers
Just bought a new laptop. Have AVG etc etc to keep it free from viruses. want to intall a peer to peer software like Kazaa or Imesh or bear share or limewire. Have Imesh on my old pc, which is good but that version is not available any more.

Can anyone recommend the best peer to peer software which downloads the least viruses or trojans, adawar, spyware etc etc




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I use bittorrent and have never had a problem with virusses (viri?). You just need to check the files are what they should be. eg, I tried to download some music t'other day, but it had a file in there called install.exe - I left that one well alone.
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thanks for that bob, but I dont want to use bit torrent. Any anyone else recommend a peer to peer?
Just curious, but why not use torrents? They are the best way to avoid viruses and trojans.
None of the p2p progs that are spectacularly easy to use are noticeably safe from viruses. torrents and DC++ are trickier to use but give safer results.
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ok....give me a good bit torrent site and software used to download.

Whilst others can continue to recommend a good peer to peer.

You say you have AVG etc etc but does that etc include a Firewall?.

The firewall that comes with Windows XP is not very good.

I would put on another Firewall like the free version of ZoneAlarm.
I use Limewire, but as with all peer to peer (and the net in general) you are at risk of downloading viruses etc..

Reduce your risk by:

Having a good up to date antivirus package (Symantec, Mcafee)

Use a firewall such as Zonealarm (free)

Use adware killers such as Spybot and AdAware
Azureus is one of the best bittorrent clients:

As for sites, well apart from the many ones doing legal stuff (GNU/Linux distros, OpenOffice etc.), you'll find lots of stuff on and
I've got most of them and find Ares to be a good bt. Limewire is pretty crap for viruses. I still like DC++ although it's not a bt. The selection on this is the best but takes a while to download if you haven't got a fast connection. Also don't get the latest version cos it really slows down the internet. Make sure it's version 0.674
Once set up, it's a doddle to use
bit torrent is far and away the best in terms of choice offered and safety from virus's.bit torrent works like a large community so if you dl a file that isnt what it claims to be you report it to the torrent hosts and tyhey will delete it.

all p2p such as limewire are be riddled with crap posted by eejits! i dl'ed a song the other day and it took 5 different dl's until i finally found one that wasnt corrupt.
Hi Spaced. I really cannot recommend SoulSeek highly enough.

No Spyware. Simple and very easy to use. It caters for every taste. Every thing is there. I've been able to get a large amount of incredibly rare and deleted records from it.

I'm sure it will be targetted and shut down at some point by the RIAA, but in the meantime it is by far and away the best p2p software out there.


Headtime - soulseek runs on exactly the same type of network that limewire etc. do so is open to exactly the same type of abuse. You can post crap on it to infect others while being relatively untraceable to the average user.

Personally I wouldn't recommend it.
Hi Spaced,

My recommendation would be to download BitLord as your Torrent Software.I have tried several Programs over the past couple of years, and always end up back with BitLord.I download about 30GB of stuff each month, and have never had a virus.
A good site to use with BitLord is the site before you download the client, just to see if it is the sort of thing you are looking for.
i use limewire for individual songs and torrents for everything else (albums, TV episodes and films). i personally use BitLord and a little program called Dynamic Torrent Seracher which will automatically search around 10-15 torrent sites for a particular phrase/name

Soulseek only lets you download music files. No exe, zip or vbs files. You can't encode a virus within an mp3 so I don't see how you could contract a virus.

I've been using it for years, and have never had a problem once.

Also soulseek doesn't come bundled with spyware, which a lot of them do.


Signing up for this service was a no-brainer for me. I do a lot of Music downloading MyKazaaGold works because the music's great, the service is affordable, and the loops and tracks are easy to download. What more could you ask for?
The best place to download music.
Kazaa Platinum recently came into market. I bought it & I think this was the best choice I ever made.

It gives me specific results for my music & movie downloads, unlike Limewire or any other Kazaa.

It also gives a free anti virus programme , free Ipods/ Mp3 transfer software, free CD burning software free, all in just 29.50 $ one time lifetime fee.

I must say it is a revoultion in music / movies downloads.

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safest and most virusless peer to peer?

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