I know this might have been asked alot before, but where in the world were you born? Do you have any relatives living outside of your home country? I come from Greece originaly but moved to the Uk when i was very young. I have relatives, back home in Greece, in the UK, in Austrailia and New Zealand.
Born in the midlands,lived in yorkshire,currently living in the north west. All my family live here in the UK but my paternal grandfather lived in canada during the 30's and 40's and didn't return till adulthood,there is a family rumour that he fathered a child before returning so I could have relatives there.
Born in London (by accident as Daddy - actor, singer - was performing at the Palladium theatre. Mum came over from Ireland to see the show and got a bit more than she had bargained for! LOL - MEEEE!!!). Moved to Germany when I was nearly 6, stayed 28 years, interrupted by 4 years in France, a few months in the US and then came here to beautiful Devon, where I met my darling RATTER. :o)