Chicken & chips he still working? I would presume so...
'Seed' as I understand the term for landed fish is juvenile fish from any species - large enough to land but not defined as one species for the statistics. The reoprts are scary when you look at boats reportingly landing cats and dogs too....... and witches too! (they're ok - its a type of sole....again..) covers some of Cornwall landings, and has info on Newlyn and the area. DEFRA has a list of all the first sale fish and auction sites too which may be of interest.
If you still haven't had enough of fish - go to and that should satisfy - its the site for the marine Conservation Society with tons of stuff and the absolutely best ever species search facility, loads of links tons of info, etc etc and should get you into buying more fish as well as having recipes, links galore and all things fishy to go through..
Hope this helps some. Ta for now.