Family Fued in The AnswerBank: Parenting
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Family Fued

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Joe's Mum | 15:10 Fri 01st Oct 2004 | Parenting
4 Answers
How do I get my husband and my brother talking again?
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Well first of all why are they not talking now? You have to start with that.
Don't even try. Ignore the problem and carry on your relationship with both. Eventually they will realise that life will actually be easier for THEMSELVES if they let bygones be bygones... And if not, at least you haven't wasted your time trying to solve it... Thats life!!! LOL :-)
I think if your that type to talk sweetly and mysterioulsly then say something like this! you really would stay apart, why not talk to each other over something silly, we are family, on get togethers, you shouldn't avoid each other. Then speak to your husband individually and say something like: "My one and only husband, why must you upset me over my brother, if you love me then love my brother we are the same, we are family, remember that, forgive him" if they are very religious or religious enough as in Christian, then say WWJD What would Jesus do? jesus forgives, upset me by not talking to one another and you upset our lord.

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