I defy anyone who can answer this question? I have tried every single possibility that I can think of. What letter should appear next in this sequence?? L A E T F M V H ? The only thing I can think of,is perhaps,take away the A F H,and replace them with E O I. You are left with LEE TOM VIC.I doubt that this is the answer.Can anyone solve it? I have even tried alphabetical codes.If anyone can solve it,I would like to know how!!A big thank you in advance.
Someone else was asking, & I posted the possible answer that it's the number of straight strokes needed to form the uppercase letters. The sequence runs 2,3,4,2,3,4,2,3 - so all that's left would be W. (?) No promises, but I can't see anything else...
This is just a thought. If you count them in groups of three, the first group with A as a point on the way, comes to 20. Similarly the second group with F as a point on the way, also comes to 20. Then starting with V, counting H as a point on the way, the missing letter would be o
So,a bit of controversy here then, on this teaser.
Thought as much!! Well,as there is no confirmed answer on this teaser,is there anyone else who would like a go at it?
I told you it was a tough one to crack!!
Never mind,I'll try and persevere to solve it myself.If I do, I'll let you know.Thanks for your help guys,anyway.