Is anyone else sick of spending time and effort giving a proper answer to a question only to find that when you have submitted that the post has just vanished?
Yesterday was a bad day on answerbank.
No idea what was happening as I was at work, but it semed that world war 11 had broken out due to so many posts being removed.
Its really peeing me off, I have real problems explaining what i mean due to a medical condition, thats why most of my replies are either short or just daft. I am really annoyed that when I spend ages doing a proper reply the post vanishes not long after......maybe its me lol
aka pixi. I that happens contact the AB techies it might be a prob if everyones getting it...I haven't but you can contact them through the 'contact us' link thingy
But WHY do they get reported...most are inoffensive and encourage debate...isn't that what this site is all about along with getting answers to things that puzzle,intrigue or worry us???We all hold differing opinions so debate is unavoidable
Well i dont know for sure why that one disappeared but i do believe there are groups of folks who are members on here that just go around reporting/trying to get posts banned just for a laugh :rollseyes: