producer in The AnswerBank: Law
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bridget21 | 14:54 Wed 12th Sep 2007 | Law
5 Answers
if you are given a producer by the police and has an incorrect name for example jenny jo bloggs rather than the real name which should be jenny billy bloggs, does this make the producer invalid as it does not have the correct name on it
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no it does not.
It is an offence not to produce your driving licence, certificate of insurance and MOT certificate when requested to do so by a police officer.

The HO/RT1 'producer' is to your benefit, even if incorrect details are present, allowing you 7 days (usually) to appear at the nominated (or any other) police station with the requested documents. If this is done and they are in order, then that is the end of the matter.

You will be reported for failing to produce the documents at the time of the request for production. If you fail to produce the documents within the 7 day period or they are not in order, you will be summonsed to attend court.
the other answer you should prepare
is why the details on the producer dont match yours

answers like
the person driving was only pretending to be me,
is nOT the right answer !
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dont jump to your high horses before you know the whole story because you just sound like moaning biddys, but carry on as it makes me laugh how sad you all quite are.
People here have taken the time and trouble to answer you query.

There really is no need to be rude just because you got the correct answers rather than the one you wanted.

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