My partners 40th birthday is coming up soon, although he doesn't really want to celebrate it and says that he wants nothing i think he would be quite upset if i didnt get him a present or did nothing for him - so i am wondering what i can do to make his birthday nice ,something different and inexpensive
Has any body any suggestions?
Cook his favourite meal, bake a birthday cake, get his favourite film, have a bath ready when he gets in, candles, wine, etc, etc.
An indoor picnic? You could get a tent and go spend a night outdoors and have to keep eachother warm, there'll be no distractions like the TV, phone, doorbell, etc!
A years subscription to a mag related to his hobby (something that he wouldnt do for himself but would like to have it all the same)
A tatoo?
A triple dvd set of starwars.
Ask his friend (if he's a golfer) what he would like and buy him it from the pro shop...again something he wouldn't allow himself to buy...
A nice tie
Tickets to his fav band (even if u detest them)
A book token
A cuddly toy
A teasmade
A fondue set
A set of matching towels
An electric food mixer
A 2kw electric fire
A 3inOne music center.