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cassie102 | 20:47 Wed 12th Sep 2007 | TV
5 Answers
has anyone been watching identity? the game show on bbc2 with donny osmond. on at 5:15 .

its apparently got really really bad reviews and people are always moaning about it , but i like it . i think there should be more psychological based game shows on tv. its unique and i find it interesting .

does anyone agree/disagree??


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I agree. I was watching it and thought it was completely dumb, but by the end I was completely engrossed. I worked out who the former Playboy Bunny was before the contestant did. And the Fudge Maker.
I like the idea of it, but hate the fact that the first few are so easy.... i.e. which one is the wrestler? Then the camera pans across the strangers, one of which is wearing a leotard and weighs about 30stone more than the other contestants.

Also, I don't like the way Donny points to each word when he says "Is (point) that (point) your (point) identity?". And he doesn't pronouce his T's.

As you can see I don't watch it that often. lol
I watched it once and thought it was a complete rip off of "Win My Wage". Or vice versa
Love it. Makes a change from q&a shows.
I got it confused with Win My Wage, chazza

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