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Go Bananas

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4getmenot | 16:31 Thu 13th Sep 2007 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
Where is best to keep bananas? I always keep them in fridge as I think they taste a bit fresher when cold but the skins go hideously black.


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I don't keep them in the fridge but I do keep them somewhere cool away from direct sunlight.

This may help. bananastorage.htm

Question Author
Oh so they'll be fine to eat just dont look too appetising :-)
I keep mine in the garage. Cool but not too cold.
Why on earth would anyone put bananas in the fridge????
I dont think youre supposed to put bananas in the fridge, dunno why tho
figi and weeal if you take a peek on my link to 4get, it recommends the fridge for storage!
just found it on Yahoo, apparently it makes the skin go black
Question Author
erm because I like them cold. !!!

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