can you help please? 5.t.a.a.t.s.t.e.s.. 33.n.s.o.a.o.t.w.u.y.d.k.w.y.m.o.t.w.d. 35. t.b.f.a.a.t.h.t.l. 40.y.n.g.b.o.o.a.s. 44.f.e.d.o.r.t.f.a.f.g. 87.i.n.t.d.b.t.t.t.c. many thanks.
Dinkypuzzled thank you very much, like you I have never heard of No.35 but it does sound very likely, there are quite a few that I am finding very hard.
33 . Undoubtedly finishes with "on the way up . You don't know whether you might on etc ." As to NSOA never slag off anyone ? but that wouldn't be an old saying .