I've just bought a new acer laptop (vista home premium) and am trying to connect through a belkin g router. I can't seem to get an internet connection though. The network management thingy says I'm connected to the network via an excellent connection but when I look at the network map there's no connection between the router and the internet. I did have this working initially but after I rebooted the laptop the connection failed. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks.
Thanks for your answers. The wifi is all working. I can connect to a neighbours (unsecured) connection with no problem and I can connnect to my router just seems that my router can't connect to the net.
It may be that you have an MTU problem - I had this when I tried to connect my laptop to a belkin router. If you google 'how to change mtu', you can download a programme which will change your mtu for you, and then it should work (if, of course, that was the problem in the first place!)
go simple - prove the connection first
and if you can ... do it with a direct cable rather than wireless
who is your ISP?
what connection method did you use before the belkin?
If your router can't connect to the net - check
1 is the phone line/cable OK
2 Is the router connection OK? - all filters in place?
3 your config (id/pw etc) set correctly
4 Possibly router's modem is kaput - can you use an alternative piece of kit to prove it?
With the Belkin G, your WAN>Connection Type>PPPoE/A>User Name> must be the full user name you use to log on to your service provider. E.g. 'myname@server.com', or 'myname@server.co.uk'. I had endless trouble over this with Belkin's (Indian) support centre insisting that I enter my 'Master Name', without being able to explain what that term meant. (I thought they were meaning the computer administrator name for long enough!). Hope this helps some.
Thanks for your answers, this is giving me a real headache. My ISP is Ntlworld which according to Belkin is Dynamic rather than PPPoE... if that means anything to anyone!
I could connect to the net directly via cable to the modem on the laptop but that's not working anymore (I think I've messed around with the settings so much I've confused it!) however I can still connect on my old PC via cable and modem and I can still connect laptop via neighbours unsecured network. So it seems to me that everything is working individually but just won't work together!
I haven't got another piece of kit to test if router's the problem however I can connect to the router itself ok...
Unfortunately I am not able to assist you with this issue regarding the acer laptop.
However, I notice that on the 15th July last that you posted another question about trouble that you were having with your Fiesta car radio. You spoke of how the display was drozen with the backlight on, despite the ignition being turned off.
I am experiencing the same problem now. Can you recall how you got yourself out of this problem?
I fixed the radio problem by removing the fuse and then sticking it back in again (well someone else did!). It came back instantly.
However, about a couple of weeks ago it broke again only this time it just wouldn't come on. This just suddenly righted itself on sunday. Came on out of the blue!
I think I may have a problem with my fuses. Hope you get yours sorted, driving without a radio is v quiet!