Last year I planted a pink honeysuckle cutting. It has grown beautifully, and healthy looking but alas ,it has not produced one flower, It is on a trellis fence beside clematis. Can anyone tell me what is wrong, or does it take a year or two to settle down? Thanks in advance
Mine started to flower on the second year , so all being well yours should next year.good luck and happy smelling they are the tops for scent and at their best for smell at dusk.
I'm in the same boat, they lay down the roots first and then leaves and then flowers.
Mine has just put on one very shoddy flower, last week, poor think doesn't know whether it's coming or going.
With a bit of luck you'll get flowers next year. But you could end up sorry that you planted it ; because you'll need to prune it back quite hard each year or it will get completely out of control. Although it's worth the effort if you give it TLC...Ron.
Ours took a couple of years to get going. It is also mixed in with a clematis and we had a beautiful display of flowers this year. We've also had a pair of blackbirds nesting in it this year and last, so I would say wait and hope. Keep an eye out for mildew on the stems as they are susceptible to this, but just give them a spray with some proprietry gunge and the honeysuckle should be OK.
many thankx all who answered 'honeysuckle plant' I look forward to next year with anticipation. I have noted your comments on care of the plant. Thanx once again.