I was watching Tribe last night with my housemate and there was a fungus on there that grows on (inside?) insects and eventually kills them.
My housemate has spent a lot of time in Peru and explained that there is something similar to this there but that somehow the fungus makes the insects climb to a high place before it kills them. (Then it can release its spores further I gather). She says no one knows how the fungus does this though.
Does anyone know what this fungus is called? Any theories on how it does this? If, (as I always thought) insects have very tiny brains then is it even possible that their brains can be manipulated? How does fungus mess with a bugs mind for goodness sake?!
Hmm fabulous views on one hand whilst on the other dragging stroppy yaks through the snow and crawling on your hands and knees looking for fungus infected caterpillars at 10p a time.
You sure about that - I'll miss you when I'm here: