This at the last look, is still a free country NeilBaker, it is well known that this site is liberal leftie terrain
There's a substantial liberal demographic, but if you look around, you'll actually see that the right-wing population is at least equal (I'd say it was more, but I'm bad with names).
But don't be deterred, stick to your guns, and speak your mind.
Oh for Pete's sake.. Nobody is repressing you or anyone else. We're just arguing with your viewpoints as much as you're arguing with ours. Nobody is under anyone's jackboot.
Yes they will try to insult you with their vile remarks, they will even at the drop of a hat, try and pigeon hole you with that dreaded word RACIST ! ! !
You're right. It is a word. It has a meaning - written
here for your convenience. If you fall into this definition, that's your lookout.
that is why the Lefties don't agree with it being read
Much as I detest the Daily Hate, I don't object to its being read. Being a liberal, I - as you yourself endorse - have a firm belief in freedom of opinion. Nobody is trying to close your paper, stop whining.
Sorry, AOG, that's been inside me a very long time...