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Country/Country Rock from 1990s

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Rusticmaid | 22:35 Wed 19th Sep 2007 | Music
4 Answers
This is the last one and I am totally stuck. Can anyone help?

Sound like a boggy item (5,5)


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Blue Grass?
no, there are only 4 letters in "blue" !! Sorry.
All I can think of is Swamp Thing, but I honestly don't think that's going to be the name of any self-respecting country band or song.
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I thought I'd check your suggestion in my book of UK Hit Singles and you are absolutely right! A duo called Grid had a single called "Swamp Thing" that got to no 3 in 1994. It is one of those books where you can only look things up if you have some idea of the answer and I'd tried all the boggy words I could think of but I must have missed swamp. Thank you very much for your help!

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Country/Country Rock from 1990s

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