Driving A Daqger Through The Heart Of...
News9 mins ago
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Totally agree with you on this. I abhor this territorial violence. Same happens over here (Anthony Walker with a axe in his head).
I've been to Australia (Sydney, Surfer's Paradise) and loved the place. Got talking to a girl in a bar one night and she told me these stories about how settlers used to hunt native people...hunt them. With guns. Like wildlife.
I've never forgotten that story and to this day appreciate how great, and how rotten a nation of people can be.
I think it's the same the world over. There is rotten scum for whom people of other nationalities like to think of are the 'norm'.
They are not.
I don't believe all Aussie are scum in ANY way. I hope we can all agree the same about all racial subdivisions in that country.
Or am I being niave?
(No idea how to spell 'niave' by the way).
Im Australian...and im sick of reading aussie bashing on the internet ....mainly by poms!
Aboriginals were tortured and were exterminated....by the BRITISH population during the 19th and early 20th century. These days the Australian population protects and loves our indigenous people, and actually indigenous people in Australia have more rights than most other Australians.
Immigrants have made Australia into what is definately one the worlds best democracy's. People comment on how racist Australian's are...its not true.
My parents are from the Egypt and Lebanon, and i can tell you, that when my parents arrived here, they were treated like gold from the Australians and its government. Australians understand what immigrants mean to their country - as we have a low population and are continually running out of skilled workers to accomodate for our strong and ever robust economy.
Its when immigrants start to seperate themself from mainstream Australian society, this is when we have the problem. SOME of the lebenese community in Sydney do not identify themself as Australian, but only Lebense. They tell the Australians, in their own country what to do, and how to live. The muslim population even try to stop us having christmas celebrations every year.
The incident on Cronulla beach was due to the fact, of 20 years of similar incidents of ethnic youths coming to the beach, and abusing the women because they are wearing bikini's and not corresponding to 'muslim' dress, and abusing ordinary Australian folk for being 'Australian'. The people in Cronulla said - 'enough is enough' and took a stand when a couple of lebenese men bashed a lifeguard at the beach.
This is not right, and i think you - the people of the international community, should not judge, until you understand the situation full well.
I wasn't bashing Aussies. I've been to Oz a few times and loved every minute of my time there.
My point is that there is greatness and rotten-ness in every nationality. I bet you could find thousands of Lebanese who abhor the recent violence.
However, the picture that people will take away with them is that it's a majority Lebanese issue.
Because when it comes to race, people want simple answers to complex issues.
By the way, when did British settlers become Australian?
I believe British settlers truly became Australian, after the white Australia policy was abolished in 1975. Before that Australia, and Australians pretty much considered themselves part of British society. They even sang 'God Save the Queen' as the national anthem till 1967.
Since then, we have seen australia develop a hell of a long way....Australia use to be european, now you can argue its pretty much asian!
"rivers of blood" as enoch powell said, and now it's coming true. all over the world were seeing more and more race riots. everywhere the indigenous people are having immigration forced upon them with no say in the matter at all. children are being brain-washed in school to accept it. adults are forced to accept it with anti-racism laws that only work against whites. meanwhile the immigrants to not want to integrate with us, they want to turn our country into theres. they take over all the businesses and entire areas and this breeds resentment and now were seeing the start of the trouble. where is it all going to end? you simply cannot force people with vastly different ideals and cultures into a small island and expect them to co-exist in peace. were now in a situation where we are at war against iraq and we have british citizens in our own country shouting death to the british soldiers. what would happen if we ever had another full scale war against say a muslim country, do you really think the british muslims here would fight for queen and country? its frightening to think whats going to happen in the future, it will be civil war.
Here Here Gucciman. Send 'em all back.
I'm with you. We should only allow the blacks and Asians to clean our toilets and become bus conductors. God only knows why vast majority would want to live peaceably in this country...they're all muggers anyway.
Blah blah blah.
I love your comments...reminds me of 1972, when we could say what we wanted without...
Sorry - couldn't keep that up...too much bile in my throat. Just yanking you - you're perfectly entitled to your views. God help us if you're in the majority though.