so...i've had migraines forever ... it sucks but whats worse is for the past six months i've gotten occular migraines. they wake me from sleep; always @ the right eye (go figure)... the doctor told me these are occ. migraines, diff. from reg. ones and basically told me there's nothing i can do, they're severe and just told me to deal w them as they come. helpful bas**** huh? lol but i had one again last nite and honestly whenever i go to bed, i'm dreading that i'll wake due to one. anyone have suggestions? immitrex here is the only good prev. med. but that doesn't work for me. i'm looking for something strong to take to nip it in the bud. if i don't i'm up all nite seriously crying from the pain. help please!!!!
Is there any reason why you can't take rizatriptan benzoate?
It may be worth a try and is successful in a lot of people who suffer your type of migraine.
I think you probably have a combination of normal migraine with ocular migraine, as ocular migraine only causes a mild headache, or no headache at all.
I understand that these can sometimes be caused by your hormone levels. Do they coincide on a monthly basis? If so, it may be worth changing your contraceptive (if you use one) or trying one if you dont.
ethel: thanx!! i'll check it ou
annie: no these occ. ones are completely random; i actually havent had one of these in like a month (till last nite) but.. reg. migraines i get on a weekly basis
panic: thanx
the thing is i'm not on any meds well..bc pills but...
so were yours very intense?
i'm telling you i've never had anything like this; they're so much worse than a reg. migraine
I read that some migraine sufferers have a course of botox injections in their foreheards, because it freezes the nerve endings and they get relief for months.