my ex is the former world champion javelin thrower fatima whitbread we met while i was changing the plugs on my cortina L with my slack clad a.r.s.e in the air with brenden shine playing on the cassette player, she said she was a brenden fan so we got chatting, my question is do you still see the person you last dated before your current partner? do you miss them? i miss fats especially when brenden sings :(
i have 2 exes who are in prison! i also have one who is settled down, very happy with a baby on the way and 6 years down the line im married with a 4 yr old and i dont miss them at all. Not very exciting i know, but my mum used to cut Rod Stewarts hair and she snogged n 'fumbled' with him a few times!
My first ex is a doctor in leeds
my next ex is still a DJ after all these years but not as well as he was in 1974 and actually filling in for a fortnight apparently
my next ex is a footie manager I believe and alot heavier than he was but still as tall
my next ex is dead now sadly
my next ex was here tonight visiting our daughter
my next ex is now my non ex but walking a thin line,
I miss only the ex that is no longer with us.
2000E was the best cortina dont you think and went to see the police in twikenham a few weeks ago with the ex mrs and our 2 sons and it was a great day out. ex is sat alone in his flat dying of cirrhosis of the liver.... no sympathy , he chose a bottle rather than his family.... he won't see xmas this year... next ex has just split up with his girfriend and is crying on my shoulder( I mean metaphorically, he's not sat here right now as I'm typing this!)....
thats rather sad ermintrude.he obvioussly chose the wrong path in life surely he deserves at least a little sympathy from you,unless he treated you REALLY bad that is.hitting the bottle really is easy,when i came out of the forces i hit a rocky patch i must admit and hit the bottle a little.i guess im lucky that i met my [now] wife when i did or else that could have been me living in a flat dying.and i dare say lots of other people are in the same position as your ex ermintrude.there for the grace of god and all that eh?
stokemaveric, had 7 years of hell, he beat me black and blue,( and worse) a fantastic bloke when sober, but the dry periods were getting shorter and shorter until they became non existant, he had more than his fair share of chances and would rather get drunk than visit his only child... god I sound a right callous uncaring b!tch, but I guess as you say "there for the grace of god and all that eh?"
My latest ex boyfriend is now married to one of the women he was cheating with while with me. We have remained phone friendly. We made our peace about a year ago and as i work with his brother, he has been appropriately supportive about my mom's illness and death. Though I doubt the wife knows we talk at all. Not my problem. I do miss the goo times.(we did have some.) We were friends first and i do miss that part.
Most of my other exes are happily with others. I always say I broke them in, we broke up and they settled down.
Ah, thats Derek you'll be talking about, must be 15 years or so since last we met. I expect he's still in the North East somewhere and quite possibly still living at his Mums place. Lovely sexy man and I wish him well. We had tons of fun but it was quite obvious we were not destined to be life partners.