the best christening present that was bought for my son was probably the cheapest my brother got a mould kit and took a hand and foot print of my son! a keepsake forever
I'd be in 2 minds too Wardy - Do you have a picture of them? I agree that they are all quite iconic and I always liked 'cool' clothes for my son that weren't the everyday Tesco's stuff that every other baby was wearing. Given your penchant for Bowie I think his parents would quite appreciate the thought behind the gift!
I think it would be cool but maybe get something more traditonal as well.I agree that most christening gifts are awful, we got a silver plated engraved box for keeping the christening video in !! But you could get something personalised with the baby's name.
Some nice ideas here -
My girls are 5 and love their Bruce Lee t-shirts. Little ninjas just like their daddy.